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Bidimensional analysis of a themoelectric module using finite element techniques

A. Arenas, J. Vázquez, R. Palacios

XIX International Conference on Thermoelectrics - ICT 2000, Cardiff (Reino Unido). 20-24 agosto 2000


In this paper an analysis is performed on a thermoelectric module using finite element techniques taking into account the following two hypothesis: thermal and electrical flows are present in two dimensions.

Palabras clave: No disponible/Not available

Publicado en ICT 2000, ISBN: 978-0951928622

Fecha de publicación: 2000-08-24.

A. Arenas, J. Vázquez, R. Palacios, Bidimensional analysis of a themoelectric module using finite element techniques, XIX International Conference on Thermoelectrics - ICT 2000, Cardiff (Reino Unido). 20-24 agosto 2000. En: ICT 2000: Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ISBN: 978-0951928622

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